OrsenConsulting is offering an alternative methodology. To understand why this alternative is different it is important to realize that any management theory is based on an underlying model of how the human psyche works. For historic reasons in almost all management theories this underlying model is something called "behaviorism". This model worked fine to predict what color to use, or what music to play to make customers buy more. And so it happened that it got transposed to all other aspects of business. But is it because a screwdriver works well with screws that its the perfect tool for anything.. ?
In contrast the underlying model OrsenConsulting is using is called "Organizational Psycho-Dynamics" with a slight accent towards the sub-field of "Organizational Psycho-Analysis". The latter has less than a 1000 known management-consultants worldwide are using this model as a basis. This however tells little about its capacity to create valid insights...